Service: Is Your Web Site a Project?

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Is your web site a shooting star?
Is your web site a shooting star?
In a traditional sense of a web site project, a web site company builds a web site and, more or less, hands it over to the client. Sometimes the web site company will say they'll host it for such and such an amount and if you want any changes, let us know and we'll make them and bill on a case by case basis.

This is a silly way to approach your web site. What happens is that over time, things change; people come and people go, people get older, new technology arises. Meanwhile, the site is stuck in a frozen state of time which always happens to be a few years ago. And it shows.

You as a small or medium sized company has to change with them. For example, the number of web sites that aren't mobile possible is staggering. The number of sites that don't include any type of social media is staggering. The number of sites that look like they were built a decade ago is staggering.

All of these changes must happen as the technology proves it will be around for awhile (think Twitter). And be removed when the technology is no longer accepted (think MySpace).

Your web site is not a static project. Your web site must constantly change. You need a constant web site company.

If we think of the web site as a project, we think of it as a 24 month constant project and accordingly, charge per month for a full 24 months.